A Call for the Building of an Alternative Legal Framework to the International Investment Treaties: favoring the Public Interest while doing away with Transnational Corporate Impunity

Wednesday 14 May 2014 by Pierre-Yves

This is a document prepared by the Working Group on Investment of the Americas which includes people from several organizations and networks seeking to ensure that international trade and investment is based on social justice and respect for the environment.

The objective of this document is to contribute to the ongoing debate and promote a coming together in regard to investment rules that conform to the existing paradigm on which Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) are built. It seeks to incorporate proposals that have for some time been in the process of elaboration by actors from civil society, social movements, academics, and legal experts.

The document contains an analysis of the international investment agreements’ regime, a series of proposed principles for the construction of alternative frameworks for international investment and a Call for the discussion and construction of a basic common agenda.

Please send your comments, critique and suggestions for improvements at one or several of the following e-mails: Alberto Arroyo (RMALC-Mexico) albertoarroyo60@gmail.com , Luciana Ghiotto (ATTAC-Argentina) luciana.ghiotto@gmail.com, Manuel Pérez-Rocha (IPS-USA) manuel@ips-dc.org , Cecilia Olivet (TNI) ceciliaolivet@tni.org

This document is available in English,, in French and in Spanish.

PDF - 482.1 kb
Appel pour un régime alternatif sur les investissements


PDF - 209.3 kb
Call for an Alternative Regime on Investments


PDF - 488.7 kb
Llamado por un Régimen alternativo sobre las inversiones

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Call for an Alternative Regime on Investments

14 May 2014
info document : PDF
208.9 kb

Llamado por un Régimen alternativo sobre las inversiones

14 May 2014
info document : PDF
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Appel pour un régime alternatif sur les investissements

14 May 2014
info document : PDF
474.4 kb

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